Where I’ve Been – Part 11

When it rains it pours. Got an inspiration to do some writing when I c ouldn’t sleep this weekend. As usual, no idea where this story is going, just puttin’ it out there. Decided to leave my blog the way it is for awhile, see what happens. Tired of “running” to maintain my privacy. I can choose to look past the shenanigans.

Enjoy the visit with Barley and Nessa.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 10

Yes! yes its an update! My Goodness I realize it’s been awhile since I visited Barley and Nessa. Since I am pantsing this story, I have no idea where it will go, but for now, I hope some questions are answered for Barley. The poor guy’s been agonizing. Stay? Go? Without further delay, here is part 10. I’m so sorry it took me so long!

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Where I’ve Been – Part 9

Oh My God! I wrote this last night when I could not sleep. I’ve regained my muse, my desire tow rite, my… well whtever it is, I hope it doesn’t leave again! And here you have Part 9. It has children and loss in it, so I think I did indeed pound out some grief as I wrote. I feel a lot lighter in spirit today, more rested despite the late night, and more calm.

And once again I am reminded taht writing is therapy, for me.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 8

I think that getting the past few weeks events in my life out in the open, and onto “paper”, as well as some much needed family time this weekend helped me. I was able to finish Part 8 of this story. I have no idea where I am going with this… I’m having so much fun letting Barley and Nessa make their own decisions. But my creativity was stirred a little, and I hope you enjoy the next installment.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 7 1/2

Here is a short bit of the story I’m “pantsing” at the moment. It came to me the other day when I was looking at black & white photographs of Arctic explorers with darkened noses. It’s short, and I am not sure it moves plot, but I wanted to write it anyways. Think of it as a side-trip.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 7

Oi! The time to write has slipped away from me, having two flu bugs go through our house in the past month. Then I encountered a graphic novel, posted online, that I really foudn entrancing, and then my latest stack of harlequins came in.

Needless to say, I’ve been distracted. But last night, I couldn’t sleep, and as usual, another chapter of my “pantsing” novel, Where I’ve Been, spewed out. I have to say its very much fun writing this without a clue to where it might go, and just putting it out there for fun. I know I have some readers out there, and thank you for reading! I appreciate it very much. Its such a rough draft, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t slash and burn before I post it, but I kind of like the rawness I get when I re-read it posted up here, in a different format. It lets me see the story differently, somehow, and I make copious notes as to improvements, fillers for parts I feel are not fleshed enough, and bits I can stroke out.

So, without further hesitation, here is part 7.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 6

OK folks… This one I started awhile ago, and finally finished the other night when my husband was snoring so loudly I could not sleep. Small mercies as a writer to have those insomniac nights, I suppose, eh?

Anywho, here is Part 6, and funnily enough, it deals with the idea of how we handle destruction and human suffering, which is kind of on my mind with Haiti right now.

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Where I’ve Been – Part 5

Here is the next bit of Where I’ve Been. I was able to finish it last night. I’m not sure I like it yet, I’m feeling a bit stagnant and must move the plot along. But, as they say, you have to start somewhere. This is just the beginning, and after edits and rewrites, I am sure it will be much better, in my eyes. 🙂

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Where I’ve Been – Part 4

Here is another chapter that I dabbled with over the weekend.  I have to leave early today, and forgot to post it at lunch, so here you go!

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Where I`ve Been – Part 3

Yep, another night of inspiration on this non-outlined piece, and a chance to do some writing on my lunch hour, has given me chapter 3. I have no idea where the story for this is coming from, and I will ride this muse as long as I can. Maybe even enough to finish it, so you can read it all!

Here it is:

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Where I’ve Been – Part 2

I was so busy last night, and then couldn’t sleep.  if I ever decide to submit this (if I ever get a chance to finish it) I’ll pull it down from here, of course.

But for now, I think I’ll post it up. I’m feeling brave.

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Where I’ve Been

I realized I completely let fall my blog writing when someone asked me why I hadn’t written in awhile. I blinked and aped a silent “oh!” and mumbled some busy excuse.My blog has sat dormant for a month! a whole month of nothing to say, or comment, or write about.

But in reality I am writing. Every day. An hour or so before other duties take over. I sit and I pound out and enjoy the feel of words and excitement flowing out of my fingertips into the vessel of the word processor file. I am dreaming, crafting, plotting, and planning. Along with Christmas cards, letters, new volunteer duties, my son, my husband, my house, my job, and that whole business of sleepdriveworkeatworkdriveeatsleep, I am finding time to write.

For the first time, I came up with an idea for a novel out of the blue, outlined the entire story, and am now writing it. Then, another idea hit me, and I started outlining it. Now, I have three outlines completed, and I have one WIP staring at me from my GoogleDoc dashboard.

This is a first for me, seeing as how I am usually more of a pantser than a plotter. I love just starting a story to see what happens, to experience it fresh as I go, to ride the wave of emotion and excitement when the plot bunny takes a hold of my ankle and chews.

But, with my new idea of plotting out the story arcs reaching over the beginning, conflict, middle, climax, and ending, I wanted to see if being a plotter would give me more structure to my writing, help me be productive with my small time per day to write. In essence, begin writin the moment buttocks hit chair. I also converted my Framemaker files into Google documents, and my writing is now portable. If I am not at home, I can access it. It is saved off my local drive as a backup. (when I finish a section, it gets copied to my local rive as well).

Its working.

I have no idea if what I have will be any good, but I am five chapters into one of my new stories, and have not hit the “where do I go now” wall that springs up in front of me at this stage in the game.  The inevitable crush of weight that settles onto my story once my hero and heroine kiss. that seems to be my stumbling block.

This morning, in the wee hours of black before the dawn, I had this momentus plot bunny knock on the door in my mind and it dumped this on my lap. So sans outline, without planning,  I thought I would share, and ask those of you who do read my small blip of a blog if you would read a story about this. It seems rather foreign for me, and I’m really not sure where it came from.

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